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MDP Survey

Morinville is creating a new Municipal Development Plan (MDP). A Municipal Development Plan is like a roadmap for your community. It is a high-level statutory policy document that outlines how a community is expected to change over time, and what it wants to be in the future. A Municipal Development Plan is required by provincial legislation and helps ensure a community’s land assets are used appropriately and efficiently both today and years from now. 

Your ideas will help shape the Municipal Development Plan. Complete the survey below before September 23, 2024. The results will be included in a future engagement summary report. 



What do you enjoy most about living in Morinville? 

* required
(Select all that apply)
Some ideas could include increasing housing options, increasing the tax base through more commercial development, improving design and attractiveness, prioritizing quality of life etc

Community Goals


Please select the top three most important priorities that should be considered in the MDP: 

* required
Some ideas could include increased economic development by improving development readiness, improving inter-municipal relationships, prioritizing sustainability and modern technology in design, etc.



How do you prefer to learn about project updates? 

* required
(Select all that apply)

How did you learn about this survey? 

* required
(Select all that apply)

I would like to subscribe for future project updates

* required

Please tell us about yourself


I am a(n)

(Select all that apply)

I am:


I identify as:

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) 

All information received will be compiled and considered by Administration for use under the purposes of this site. Information will be collected and used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, RSA 2000, Ch. F-25, and other relevant privacy legislation. All comments made on this site are available to the public and may form part of public records.