I can’t attend a public engagement event but still want to give feedback. How can I do that?

    There are many ways to provide your thoughts to the project team. Send us a note through the contact form at the bottom of this page, give us a call, and/or complete an online survey (when available). All feedback received throughout the project will be recorded and shared with the project team.

    The needs of a community change over time. How often are Municipal Development Plan’s updated?

    MDPs can be updated when a municipality deems it necessary.  It may be due to changing community character or demographics, a certain population threshold, or after several years to ensure the community’s roadmap is still relevant and achieving the needs of the community.

    What is in a Municipal Development Plan? Why is it relevant to me?

    A Municipal Development Plan is like a roadmap for your community. It is a high-level statutory policy document that outlines how a community is expected to change over time, and what it wants to be in the future. helps ensure a community’s land assets are used appropriately and efficiently both today and years from now. It also shapes the economic, cultural, environmental and social aspects of a community. A successful MDP should represent a community’s values to ensure the best possible future for those living in the community. 

    Who is leading the new Municipal Development Plan project?

    The needs, desires, values and goals of municipalities change over time. The existing MDP is 12 years old and Morinville’s population is growing, therefore, Council identified an opportunity to create a new MDP to better suit the needs of the community today and into the future.

    How is the Municipal Development Plan related to the Land Use Bylaw?

    The Municipal Development Plan is the highest-order statutory policy plan for a municipality. It provides high-level guidance on the values, desires and expectations of the community. It outlines where buildings, parks, roads, and municipal services should be placed. It also provides guidance on environmental sustainability, social wellbeing, and other important municipal and community topics.   

    The Land Use Bylaw is informed by a Municipal Development plan because it outlines the rules for development like building character, height, uses, parking requirements and how land may be subdivided, among other things.  

    When will the new Municipal Development Plan go to Council for a decision?

    The MDP is planned to go before Council in the summer of 2025 for a decision.

    What does MyMorinville mean?

    The phrase MyMorinville helps set the tone that we are looking for the community to take an active role in the development of their MDP. We want residents, landowners, business owners, and others, to feel compelled to get involved so that they are connected to the outcome. By indicating this is the everyone’s MDP, we hope it encourages participation. 

    Do we have an existing Municipal Development Plan?

    Yes – the current MDP is 12 years old. 

    How will my feedback be used in the planning process?

    The public will be engaged at key points of MDP planning and development. During these touchpoints, specific questions will be asked to gather input that informs the current stage of development. Specifically, we are asking the community to share their ideas related to community values and goals and the prioritization of each. We will also work with the public to help us refine our findings. We are also gathering general input related to the entirety of the MDP. 

    How long will it take to create the new MDP?

    The new MDP is expected to be released in Summer/Fall 2025. In total, it will take about a year to engage the public and key community members and build the MDP.